Allow me to introduce myself. I am L. Marie, the Midwest diva that cannot function without fiction. It all started with being hooked on phonics at the tender age of 2 years old. That soon developed into ordering Ramona, The Babysitter's Club, and R.L. Stine through Highlights and Scholastic. Let's not forget the author that taught me a lot about being a girl: Judy Blume.
Over the years my love for reading has grown. I read to live; for pleasure; to escape everyday life into a world of characters. Now I read all genres; although, my favorites are chick-lit, african-american, and mystery from both new and established authors.
Please take the time to explore my blog and subscribe for updates. This site will feature my most recent book reviews, recommendations, and author updates. The rating system is located at the bottom of the page. For your convenience, there is also an Amazon search box on the right side of the page. Be sure to explore the Recommended Links & Blogs page as well.
All comments are welcome. Happy Reading!
Very truly yours,
Literary Marie ~ Reader, Writer, Reviewer, & Copyeditor ~
lit⋅er⋅ar⋅y [lit-uh-rer-ee] adj. ~ relating to books, writings, and authorship; acquainted with literature; preferring books to actual experience ~
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