August 31, 2011

Sister, Sister

Secret ObsessionCamille is perfect. Smart, had good grades, popular, has a loving husband and two beautiful children, and parents who adore her. But there is one person who can barely stand the sight of Camille -- her own sister, Paige. She grew up criticized by parents, looked down upon, and treated like the sister that should have never been. After so many years of built up envy, Paige decides to flip the script and take what is rightfully hers: Pierce Montgomery. Only problem is Pierce is already Camille!

Paige develops a sneaky, calculated plan to steal her brother-in-law. As all schemes do, it falls apart and unfolds before the reader's eyes.

I was first introduced to Roby with the Curtis Black series. Those books have me on the edge of my reading chair, flipping the pages so fast that the page numbers blur. With its predictable plot, Secret Obsession was not as enticing. It held my interest, but I could easily tell what Paige's next delusional step would be. It was just a matter of how and when she'd get caught ruining her sister's life. There were no twists or surprises, just plenty of nod heads and "I knew it!" exclamations.

Also unlike the Curtis Black series, Roby touched on the root of Paige's problem, which was revealed to be a delusional disorder. Mental illnesses are often ignored in the black communities. I appreciate the author including it in her book. It would have been nice if Roby went into more detail and explored this more. Despite this, Secret Obsession was an enjoyable read. A good stand-alone book to tide you over until the next Roby release. 

You may pre-order a copy today, or purchase when it releases on September 6, 2011.

Title: Secret Obsession
Author: Kimberla Lawson Roby 
Published: September 2011
Pages: 156
Edition: Galley
Rating: ♥♥♥

August 28, 2011

Series Sunday: Holly's Inbox Scandal in the City

Series Sunday is a new bookish meme hosted by yours truly, Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along. 
  • Read an installment of a series.
  • Post a review/recommendation on your blog, FB, Twitter, Goodreads, or Shelfari pages.
  • Share your review/recommendation by posting the link in the comments section below.
  • Include the title, author, and name of the series so that other Series Sunday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists.

Holly's Inbox: Scandal in the CityMy Series Sunday pick is Holly's Inbox: Scandal in the City, the sequel in the Holly Denham series. Holly has just been promoted to manager of the reception area at DK Huerst, a large British corporate investment bank. In this follow-up, Holly shows her intelligence and ability to manage a team. The lobby area is constantly busy, so it is hard to chit chat with co-workers around the water cooler. E-mail is still the next best thing!

She's now living with boyfriend Toby. Although most of Toby's time is spent working or making mysterious trips to France. Just like the first book, Holly seems to have made another enemy. This time it is the Catering Manager, Tanya Mason. To top the drama off, Holly has a stalker sending anonymous e-mails. And despite office gossip, Holly manages to keep a secret of her own.

I enjoyed the sequel just as much as the first one. However, I don't think the subtitle is accurate. There really wasn't a big scandal in the city. If anything, the first book had more scandal. Me thinks the author just wanted a title to grab readers attention. Either way, it is still an entertaining read. Plus the e-mail format is very addicting. New York Post calls Holly the "e-Bridget Jones." 

Check out the trailer below. (P.S. I favour the UK cover shown in the trailer.)

Title: Holly's Inbox: Scandal in the City
Author: Holly Denham 
Published: June 2009
Pages: 525
Edition: Paperback
Rating: ♥♥♥

August 26, 2011

First Lines Friday

First Lines Friday is a new bookish meme hosted by yours truly, Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along. 

  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author so that other FLF participants can add the book to their TBR Lists.
Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind: A Novel

"I'd just caught my breath after the shock of my husband's sudden passing when his last legacy showed up on my front porch."

Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind: A Novel by Ann B. Ross


You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl: Observations on Life from the Shallow End of the Pool

"Happy, happy, joy joy! There is staggeringly good news on the health-and-fitness front at last." 

You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl: Observations on Life from the Shallow End of the Pool by Celia Rivenbark

August 23, 2011

Tumblr Style Tuesday

Remember Legos? This is too cute.

I need a bath tray like this. Reading in a bubble bath is relaxing, but I'm always afraid the pages or my NOOKcolor will get wet.

How cool is this bathtub/bookshelf? 

Here's another bathtub/bookshelf combo.

August 21, 2011

Series Sunday: Something Old, Something New

Series Sunday is a new bookish meme hosted by yours truly, Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along. 

  • Read an installment of a series.
  • Post a review/recommendation on your blog, FB, Twitter, Goodreads, or Shelfari pages.
  • Share your review/recommendation by posting the link in the comments section below.
  • Include the title, author, and name of the series so that other Series Sunday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists.
Something Old, Something New: A Blessings NovelMy Series Sunday pick is Something Old, Something New, the third and most recent book in the Blessings series by Detroit's own Beverly Jenkins. The residents of Henry Adams, a small town in Kansas that put itself up for sale on eBay, are back. The town is no longer in financial trouble and has settled into a comfortable working routine.

Trent July and Lily Fontaine are preparing to marry. They want a simple, small wedding. But nothing is small and simple with fairy godmother Bernadine Brown around. All of the neighbors want to be involved turning this event into a major fuss. Meanwhile, Trent and Lily focus on blending their families together.

There is also a newcomer to the small Kansas town. Reverend Paula Grant is blessed with starting her own church and counseling the foster children. She even has a special link to the mute girl, Zoey. In this book, we find out whether Zoey was always mute and if she'll ever talk again. It also focuses on Devon, the nine-year-old deacon who faces demons of his past and anger issues.

I can't recommend this series enough. Author Beverly Jenkins is such a great, realistic story teller. It's the third book, so it was bound to happen that I placed myself into the story. **tee hee** I thought of how I could contribute to the community. To keep all of the residents updated on the events, goings on, and children happenings, I would write and distribute the town's newspaper. I already have an office set up in my head. Of course it's in the Power Plant right next to Bernadine, Lily, and Mayor Trent. That is how much I like these characters! 

On a side note, I am disappointed I was not able to attend the Motown Writers Network BOTM meeting with Beverly Jenkins. See you all next time! If you haven't started this series yet, I really don't know what you're waiting on. Pick it up! Thank me later.

Title: Something Old, Something New: A Blessings Novel
Author: Beverly Jenkins
Published: June 2011
Pages: 336
Edition: Paperback
Rating: ♥♥♥

August 19, 2011

First Lines Friday

First Lines Friday is a new bookish meme hosted by yours truly, Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along. 

  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author so that other FLF participants can add the book to their TBR Lists.

Secret Obsession

"Paige Donahue glanced around the elegant dining room and literally wanted to die."

Secret Obsession by Kimberla Lawson Roby

August 18, 2011


Silver Sparrow"My father, James Witherspoon, is a bigamist. He was already married ten years when he first clamped eyes on my mother."

This is the first line of Silver Sparrow. And so begins the story of deception, infidelity, secret lives, and a complex family. James Witherspoon is living a double life; he has a secret family and a public one. The story is told from the viewpoint of two girls who are caught in the middle. Dana Lynn Yarboro is the secret daughter. She knows all about Bunny Chaurisse Witherspoon, her legitimate sister. Other characters hog-tied in the mix are the two mothers, the grandmother, and Uncle Raleigh. It is only a matter of time before secrets are revealed, feelings are hurt, and the worlds explode when the two daughters meet and become friends.

Part One is told by Dana. We see her point of view as the secret, hidden daughter. The beautiful young girl wants for nothing except a regular life. A life where she isn't in second place. A life where she can proudly and publicly express who her father is. A life where she isn't surveilling with her mother, Gwen. And a life where she isn't denied privileges.

Part Two is told by Chaurisse, the public daughter. She isn't pretty, but she has her father's love. "Buttercup" is not aware of her father's deception. Neither is her mother, Laverne. She is unaware that the world really does revolve around her. Secrets are held and feelings are hurt all to protect Chaurisse.

Silver Sparrow is definitely one of my favorite books of the year. As I got closer to the end, I read extra slow because I didn't want the story to end. Yes, it is that good! I got lost in the lives of characters, escaping from my own world while observing the world of a bigamist. The effects of James Witherspoon's and Uncle Raleigh's actions stay with me long after I've turned the last e-page. This is my first book read by author Tayari Jones and certainly will not be my last. Her exceptional writing skills and well-paced story telling style is fresh, powerful and capturing. Add Silver Sparrow to your wish list or purchase by clicking the link below or the picture above.

Title: Silver Sparrow
Author: Tayari Jones
Published:  May 2011
Pages: 250
Edition: eBook
Rating: ♥♥♥

August 17, 2011

5 Reasons to Leave a Lover

5 Reasons to Leave a Lover - A Novella and Other Short StoriesParis is supposed to be the land of romance, not heartbreak. Maybe that is why Ellery Roulet shut her eyes to the truth. She didn't pay attention to the signs of her husband's infidelity. She also blamed herself. Was she not attentive enough? Did she let herself go physically? Was the mistress younger, prettier? All of these questions went through Ellery's head, and I'm sure other women's minds in real life.

Husband Julien Roulet is forced to make a decision. He still loves his wife, Ellery, but doubts being in love. She spends too much time away from home and their twin daughters. Seeking companionship outside of the marriage, he meets Katrine. A woman who needs him and makes him feel wanted. Despite his friends advice to keep both women around, he realizes a decision must be made. And someone will be hurt.

From Katrine's point of view, she was sick of sharing a man. She needed a husband of her own. Finally, she gives Julien an ultimatum. 

The bittersweet novella and collection of short stories are thought provoking. If the individual situations haven't happened to you personally, they sure have happened to a close friend of yours. In other words, anyone can relate to love and loss. 

Author Carolyn Davenport-Moncel did a good job on this novella. My only gripe is majority of the dialogue is in French. There are no translations for some of the lines; therefore, I was left to assume what was said between characters. I was also kind of left hanging on the ending. Other than that, I'm looking forward to her next collection of short stories due in fall 2012 and going back to read Encounters in Paris where Ellery and Julien Roulet first appeared. Be sure to check out the trailer below. For more information about the author and her other works, visit  

I recommend 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover for any woman currently dating, in a relationship, who doubts herself, considering leaving a lover, or those entering into a new union. It is also a good read for book clubs to discuss topics such as healthy relationships, infidelity, self respect, interracial relationships, and the presence of a "love child." Even though it is summer, I recommend reading this book over a cup of java/tea, slowly to digest the lessons being taught. For me, it reinforced that our intuition never lies. It is our guide to life and love. So listen to it! Each of the five stories have a lesson and meaning that we can all learn from. Download a copy of this book, recommend it to your girlfriends, and learn when a breakup is necessary, voluntary, or just meant to be.

Title: 5 Reasons to Leave a Lover - A Novella and Other Short Stories
Author: Carolyn Moncel
Published: May 2011
Edition: eBook
Rating: ♥

Call Center Confessions

Confessions of a Call Center Gal: a novelLike so many fresh college graduates, Madison Lee is ready to apply her skills at a job. Unfortunately, she doesn't have luck finding a job right away due to the economy. She visits Pocatello, Idaho and accepts a job position at a call center. It is better than unemployment, right?  

I've never worked in a call center before, though I used to work in retail and customer service. I've got stories for days. But the stories told by the main character were unbelievably funny and unique. The outrageous calls received at the Lightning Speed call center were hilarious. Maddy's life outside of the call center is just as entertaining. I felt like a call center gal sitting in the next cubicle over. Think Chelsea Handler plus argyle sweater wearing Chuy plus the politically incorrect show The Office plus chick lit. Are you already laughing? 

Confessions of a Call Center Gal is Lisa Lim's debut novel. I'm already looking forward to her next release. If you like funny chick lit, ever worked in a call center or customer service, or just want to be entertained by reading about a chick's job, then this is a good choice. Order the eBook now for just $2.99 by clicking the link below or the picture above. Be sure to check out the accompanying blog too: Enjoy and get ready for LOL moments.

Title: Confessions of a Call Center Gal: a novel
Author: Lisa Lim
Published:  February 2011
Pages: 258
Edition: eBook
Rating: ♥♥♡