Random Literary Tidbits
Hey, bookhearts!
I unexpectedly took a week off from book blogging due to a migraine. But I'm back! Here's a couple random literary tidbits.
I, Alex Cross
started filming in Cleveland, Ohio and will continue here in Detroit, Michigan. Go Motown! Too bad Idris Elba didn't get the leading role or I would be stalking the set. Unfortunately, Tyler Perry will play our favorite Detective Alex Cross. Matthew Fox is "The Butcher." Ed Burns will play the role of Cross's partner. I am still undecided whether I will go see it on the big screen. Can you tell I am really disappointed in the casting? For more details on the entire cast and movie news, click the picture above.
The Help (Movie Tie-In)
is in movie theaters as of August 10. There is lots of buzz in the news and social networks. Those that saw the movie give rave reviews and loved it. Then there are others strongly protesting it. If you saw the movie already, please post your thoughts. If you do not plan to see it, tell us why you mad.
Surrendered! The Rise, Fall and Revelation of Kwame Kilpatrick
hit the bookshelves. Did you purchase your copy? **crickets**
If you haven't checked out my TBR shelf to the right, here are some of the books I'm looking forward to reading soon. Black Woman Redefined: Dispelling Myths and Discovering Fulfillment in the Age of Michelle Obama
observes some of the myths and misconceptions of being a black woman in today's world. I'm interested in the "redefinition" of a black woman. I like that it focuses on successful women. Another non-fiction book I'm about to read is Angel from Concreteloop.com's Laws of Blogging: What You Need to Know if You Want to Have a Successful and Profitable Blog
. Lots of valuable information! Stay tuned for reviews to be posted here and reading progress to be posted on Goodreads.
Speaking of reading progress, I am 67% finished with Silver Sparrow
by Tayari Jones. It's so good, I don't want it to end!
I visited Borders for the liquidation sale. It was heartbreaking. I walked out empty-handed, but may return to purchase bookshelves.
I exceeded my 2011 Reading Challenge and read well past 52 books already for the year. So I increased it and again at 90% to my goal. Thanks to Living La Vida NOOKcolor, I am reading eBooks much faster than hardcovers or paperbacks. Also, I have been lucky and choosing really great books that make it easy to devour the story lines. So it looks like I'll have read 75 books for 2011. That's not even counting the amazing manuscripts I've had the pleasure of reading and editing. **fist pump**
On a sidenote, I can tell what I will NOT read anytime soon: the digital booklet to Watch the Throne
. The artwork creeps me out. **Ye voice** That shit cray!
Be sure to "Like" Literary Marie on Facebook. Happy reading and movie watching. Have a great weekend, bookhearts!
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