This installment of the Stephanie Plum series focuses on Vinnie and a lucky bottle. Stephanie carries around a glass bottle that is rumored to bring luck. After coming in close contact with an alligator, getting caught on a collapsing fire escape, and destroying yet another one of Ranger’s cars, it’s safe to say that the bottle isn’t bring good luck. Yet she hardly leaves home without it. Instead of concentrating on capturing skips, Stephanie teams up with co-workers Lula and Connie to find their missing boss, Vinnie. I thought this is where the fun and sizzle would begin. I was wrong and quite disappointed. Stephanie is still indecisive and makes the same silly mistakes on the job. Dramatic Lula is annoyingly over the top. Grandma Mazur tickled me, but we hardly read about her in this book.
Frankly, the concept is getting old. Series characters are supposed to grow, evolve, and keep us entertained with new events. It seems as though Janet Evanovich gave up. She’s not providing fans with her true writing potential and old lively style.
I’m still not sure what was sizzling in this sixteenth installment. There were a few flirty scenes with Ranger and Morelli is still an on-again-off-again boyfriend. Maybe one of these books soon Stephanie will finally choose between the two men. Until then, I hope Janet Evanovich brings
back the origithe fizzle!
Literary Marie's Rating: ♥♥
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