Series Sunday is a new bookish meme hosted by yours truly, Literary Marie of Precision Reviews. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
- Read an installment of a series.
- Post a review/recommendation on your blog, FB, Twitter, Goodreads, or Shelfari pages.
- Share your review/recommendation by posting the link in the comments section below.
- Include the title, author, and name of the series so that other Series Sunday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists.
Angela settles into the first hotel seen, where she quickly bonds with the fabulous concierge, Jenny Lopez. (You may remember Jenny from the short story I reviewed.) Jenny wastes no time acquainting Angela with New York. A makeover, retail therapy, and tour of the city helps Angela get over the breakup. Eventually, she lands a gig with posting her online diary entries in a blog with a magazine. The blog focuses on her love for New York, past relationship, and the two sexy guys she is now dating.
I fell in love with New York again after reading this book. The mention of sites and shops had me excited for Londoner Angela. I held my breath while Angela was deciding whether to take up permanent residence in New York or return home to London. Her new BFF, Jenny, is an outgoing, character you'll just love. I'm looking forward to the next two books in the series. Hopefully I'll have read those before the fourth book, I Heart Vegas, releases on December 8, 2011.
For more information about the I Heart series and to read Angela's blog, please visit the official website. To learn more about the British author and children's book editor, Lindsey Kelk, visit her blog. I heart Lindsey as much as her books. She blogs about beauty products, books, and her writing progress. Check it out!
If you're a chick lit fan, or love New York too, order the eBook for less than $6 by clicking the link below or the picture above.
Author: Lindsey Kelk
Published: September 2010
Pages: 242
Edition: eBook
Rating: ♥♥♥♥

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