There are 50114858677930204958 reviews on the Fifty Shades trilogy already. I will spare my bookhearts the pain/thrill (depending on your thoughts of the series) of reading one more. Everywhere you look, a woman is holding the paperback, reading a page at every free moment she gets. Everywhere you go online, someone is discussing Christian Grey and Ana Steele. Get a group of three or more women together, and I guaran-damn-tee someone will bring up Fifty Shades within ten minutes. Pick up a magazine and there are sexy photos of actors with the caption "Christian Grey?" Fifty Shades is not exactly soccer mom BDSM (bondage, dominance, submission/sadism and masochism) porn. Yet there is no escaping this series. Either get with it, or avoid all civilization for the remainder of the summer.
Title: Fifty Shades of Grey
Author: E.L. James
Published: April 2012
Pages: 528
Edition: eBook
Rating: ♥♥♥♥
Title: Fifty Shades Darker
Author: E.L. James
Published: April 2012
Pages: 544
Edition: eBook
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♡
Title: Fifty Shades Freed
Author: E.L. James
Published: April 2012
Pages: 592
Edition: eBook
Rating: ♥♥♥♥

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