Every now and then, I read a magazine article that really strikes my fancy. Think Like a Mogul is an article in the August issue of Ebony magazine. It is about Steve Harvey's eight simple principles for success. Comedian/media mogul/author/morning radio show host/game show host are just a few of his career titles. In the article, Steve Harvey shares practical tips for anyone who wishes to be successful. A few of the principles are:
Principle #1: Be the Best
Principle #2: Have an Unbeatable Work Ethic
Principle #5: Build on Your Brand
Principle #8: Give Back
I recommend this article for entrepreneurs, students, businessmen and businesswomen. You will learn from these principles and hopefully be motivated to take action in having a successful career.
Title: Think Like a Mogul
Author: Denene Miller
Published: August 2012 Issue of Ebony
Pages: n/a
Edition: eMag
Rating: ♥♥♥♥

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