December 11, 2024

Lit Tidbits: Pithy Picks XVII

Hey, Bookhearts! Pithy Picks are a bookish meme created to help you quickly find books that are worth your time and coins. Today's pithy reviews are non-fiction.

 Mark Manson
Published: January 2016
Pithy Review: We know the cliché not to judge a book by its cover. But this is a book I judged by its title. I have seen it referenced over the years. Noticed the bright orange dustjacket on the hardcover in stores. Bought a copy on sale and let it collect dust on my bookshelf. Then a Bookheart mentioned wanting to read it and we did a buddy-read. LISTEN...I highlighted to my heart's content. I took notes. I studied how not to give a f*ck unapologetically and respectfully. I applied what I learned. This nonfiction book is more than self-help; it is self-need for grown ass adults.
Recommend or Nah? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Title: Invisible
 Michele Lent Hirsch
Published: February 2018
Pithy Review: If you follow me on social media or had the pleasure of reading my blogmoir posts, then you know I was recently diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. I joined a support group/book club where we read books about living with chronic illness and how it affects our relationships, work and life in general. This nonfiction book focuses on young women—the primary demographic for many illnesses. It covers topics from body issues to work inequalities to worries about romantic partners and how to be supported rather than ignored. It is worth checking out!
Quote"I was now more acutely aware that at any minute, your body could stop functioning and that maybe it would be good to make sure every moment was meaningful." ~ pg. 243
Recommend or Nah? ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Title: What Doesn't Kill You
Author: Tessa Miller
Published: February 2021
Pithy Review: Similar to the pithy review above, I read this nonfiction book as the selection for my support group/book club. Very relatable! The author took my thoughts and feelings, put them to print and shared with the masses. I highly recommend it for women dealing with chronic pain, illness, recent diagnosis or as part of a support system. Three in five adults suffer from a chronic disease. So if this book does not directly apply to you, there is a loved one that you can recommend it to. 
Quote"I didn't know then that my life had changed forever. That I'd be able to divide my experiences into before I got sick and after I got sick. The following weeks, months, and years brought short and long hospital stays, good and bad doctors, countless medications, many side effects, multiple diagnoses..." ~ pg. 9
Recommend or Nah? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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