September 2, 2013

2013 Reading Challenges Update

My oh my! It is already September. Where has the year gone? I have a long list of books to read this year and so little time. Here is an update on my 2013 Reading Challenges.

2013 Reading Challenge
My goal is to read 65 books in 2013. I have read 50 books so far (76% of goal).

My goal is to read 50 eBooks in 2013. I am #LivingLaVidaNOOK with 44 eBooks read so far (88% of goal).

My goal is to read 10,001+ pages in 2013. I have read 12,950 pages so far (129% of goal)!

View all of Literary Marie's Memes and Reading Challenges here.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on knocking out your reading challenges! Excellent!
