October 30, 2024

The Ministry of Time

"One never understands one's use but through the opinion of others." ~ pg. 26

Boy meets girl. Past meets future. Finger meets trigger. Beginning meets the end. A recently established government ministry is gathering expats that were doomed for death anyway to test time travel. The expats are assigned a bridge for a year to help adjust to their new life. An unnamed civil servant works as the bridge to Commander Graham Gore. Through constant monitoring, living together and assisting with culture, the two characters form a bond and their relationship evolves into something deeper. Much like the real mission behind the ministry. 

WTDF genre is this?! The Ministry of Time is doing too much. It is a non-romantic rom-com. Fantasy in the 25th hour. Spy thriller at best. Historical sci-fi yet time travel to the future. A cautionary tale too. So it is my duty to caution you, my Bookhearts, that while I do not recommend The Ministry of Time, I am in the minority. A lot of people rate this book 3.5 stars or higher, give rave reviews, recommend it to all who will listen and is a national bestseller. President Obama lists The Ministry of Time as a favorite summer read. But me? Nope.

This new novel does not compare to the time-travel concept I have ever read or watched. Instead the author pushed her personal views, opinions and agenda into the minds of readers through the guise of fiction. There are messages within the pages that are not so subliminal. There are many missed opportunities with the plot and character development. We don't even know the narrator's name until well into the story. She's simply "the bridge." By the time I begrudgingly reached the last chapter, I didn't care enough to interpret the ending. The Ministry of Time is just an overall miss for me.

For a more detailed discussion, join the Sistahs Be Readin' Book Club on Patreon! See what the other Sistahs have to say about this month's selection.

Title: The Ministry of Time
Author: Kaliane Bradley
Published: 2024
Pages: 339
Edition: Hardcover
Genre: All 'em
Rating: 🖤 🖤

October 29, 2024

Life's Short, Talk Fast

"For years, I thought Gilmore Girls changed my life in that it allowed me to be my actual self, my earnest, bookish self, without embarrassment or shame." ~ 18%

Fifteen writers explore what Gilmore Girls means to them in this celebratory collections of essays. The classic contemporary television show bonded real-life mothers and daughters since 2000, when the premiere introduced us to Lorelai, Rory and the town of Stars Hollow. Almost 25 years later and Gilmore Girls is one of the most streamed TV shows ever.

Each of the writers share their personal relationship to Gilmore Girls through a short essay. The writers are diverse (married, single, divorced, old, young, middle-aged, black, Asian, white, male and female) making their experiences quite different. Almost all compare their own lives to Lorelai and Rory's life choices, love matches and family dynamics. The short essays lovingly center around a theme of what makes a home in that fast-talking, warm-hearted, quick-witted way.

"A girl who read everywhere." ~ 86%

What a lovely collection of essays to read. I nodded my head in agreement. Smiled at the many episode references. Teared up at the shared details of lovely mother-daughter bonds. The show revealed so much about ourselves, our mothers and our daughters. Ann Hood's anthology revealed why it matters. Life's Short, Talk Fast has sparked an interest to rewatch all 153 episodes of Gilmore Girls with my Mom. 

Bookhearts, I recommend Life's Short, Talk Fast for the fellow bookish girlies like Rory and the Lorelai fans. At just under 200 pages, this new book would be a great companion while you watch Gilmore Girls. While I didn't recognize any of the writers, I appreciated their stories enough to keep an eye out for their work.

Happy Early Pub Day, Ann Hood! Life's Short, Talk Fast will be available Tuesday, November 12.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Title: Life's Short, Talk Fast: 15 Writers of Why We Can't Stop Watching Gilmore Girls
Edited by: Ann Hood
Published: November 2024
Pages: 196
Edition: Galley
Genre: Nonfiction Essays
Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤

October 27, 2024

Series Sunday: In Too Deep

(Jack Reacher #29) 

Series Sunday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Read an installment of a series.
  • Share your review/recommendation below.
  • Include the title, author and series name.

My Series Sunday pick is In Too Deep, the 29th book in the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child and Andrew Child. Jack Reacher wakes up alone, in the dark, handcuffed to a makeshift bed. The little possessions he has are gone. He's slightly injured. He has no memory of getting there. The last thing he remembers is hitching a ride, getting run off the road and the driver was killed. The people who attacked have no idea who Reacher really is or how difficult it will be to make him talk.

"You're the perfect patsy." ~ 29%

The title gave it away! I love a clever title and relish the moment when it becomes clear. But don't let the title be a spoiler. Ugh! It totally took away from the thrill, the suspense, the climax and the unsurprising ending. I was already unenthusiastic about the story from the beginning because the beloved character of Jack Reacher has become painfully predictable. I can clock his movements before he can even blink now. It is getting so routine that I can practically outline the next book. I just need to go back to reading the older Reacher books because this new stuff is flat. 

Happy Belated Pub Day, Lee Child and Andrew Child! In Too Deep is now available.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Author: Lee Child and Andrew Child
Published: October 2024
Pages: 336
Edition: Galley
Genre: Mystery
Challenge: Perpetual Jack Reacher
Rating: 🖤 🖤 

October 25, 2024

First Lines Friday

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author.

"Are you #TeamLogan or #TeamJess?"

~ Life's Short, Talk Fast edited by Ann Hood 

October 22, 2024


Run is giving The Walking Dead/Purge type of plot. I lead with this because had I known up front, I would not have read it. This genre is not for me. But I like Blake Crouch's writing style, unique stories and suspense-telling tales so I read until the very end. Curious to see how his debut novel measured up to recent releases. Let's just say that I can see the growth and appreciate his newer books.

"He was running uphill now, running until his heart felt like it was going to swell out of his chest, and he went on for what seemed ages, and every time he stopped it was still just him alone in the woods and the dark." ~ 46%

Run is a one-dimensional story of a family running. That's it; that's all. Five days ago, an epidemic of rage began. Four days ago, senseless murders swept the nation. Three days ago, the president begged for peace. Two days ago, the killers began to mobilize. One day ago, the power went out. And tonight, the killers are reading the names of people to be killed over the emergency broadcast system. Jack is listening over a battery-powered radio and hears his name and address. This means killers—for an unknown reason—are coming to his house. Jack hurriedly gathers his wife, son and daughter to run for their lives.

"Keep running." ~ 72%

And they run...and run...and run...until the unsatisfying end. No real answers. No climax. No full conclusion. No explanation. Just a family running amongst pointless violence. I am so very disappointed but grateful. Because if Run was my first impression of Blake Crouch, I would have missed out on his much better books such as Dark Matter, Recursion, and Good Behavior / The Pain of Others. Run away from this one, Bookhearts.

Happy Re-Pub Day, Blake Crouch! Run is now available.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Title: Run
Author: Blake Crouch
Pages: 406
Edition: Galley
Genre: Horror
Rating: 🖤

October 20, 2024

Super Series Sunday: ACOTAR

(A Court of Thrones and Roses #1-5) 

Series Sunday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Read an installment of a series.
  • Share your review/recommendation below.
  • Include the title, author and series name.

My Super Series Sunday pick is ACOTAR, the entire series by Sarah J. Maas. It is comprised of five (5) books with a sixth book in the works. A passionate, violent, daring series featuring a huntress named Feyre, her sister Elain (a boring lapdog), her sister Nesta (affectionately nicknamed Nestle), High Fae Rhysand (Reese Cup) and his made family consisting of a bastard-born warrior named Cassian, a bastard shadowsinger named Azriel, a beautiful wise monster named Amren and his dreamer cousin with the gift of truth known as the Morrigan. Of course there are other characters sprinkled in throughout the series, of which I have strong opinions on too.

Before The Empyrean series (Fourth Wing and Iron Flame), I was new to reading fantasy. I take that back; I was obsessed with Twilight back in the day. But since then, I had no interest in reading about dragons (though I love to watch Dem Thrones and HOTD). I really had no interest in reading about faeries; winged people with powers and pointy ears...no, thank you. Flying winnowing beings, nope. And the whole shapeshifting bit? Nah. 

So it took me three (3) tries to get into the first book, A Court of Thorns and Roses. I read the sample and immediately deleted from all devices. Upon urging of a reading buddy, I re-downloaded and tried the first few chapters but put it down again. Then BookTok got me. Every single review video I watched about this darn series was a glowing recommendation. No bad reviews!

Clearly the problem was me. I had to get out of my own head in thinking of faeries as Peter Pan and Tinkerbell with large elf ears. I set aside all preconceived notions of the fantasy genre and committed to third times the charm. To ensure a fair shot and since I am a series junkie, I purchased the eBook bundle with 5 books in 1 for $40. 

Babyyyyyy! Coin well spent. So glad I gave this series another chance after a chance. The world building and developed characters is so beautifully written. The romance, wars, conflict and redemption arcs are amazingly well timed. Bookhearts, I cannot recommend this series enough. Take it from a girlie like me that wanted nothing to do with this faerie romance story.

It is worth all the feels! Worth the nights staying up way past bedtime to read almost 3,000 pages. Worth the scrolling on BookTok for reaction videos. Worth the many Google searches for maps, explanations and theories. It's even better if you buddy read with someone else new to the SJM universe. Okay, I am almost done fan-girling ACOTAR. Thanks for reading this long ass review. Continue for a quick summary and individual rating of each book. Slight spoilers ahead.

"Stay with him, fall in love with him, and all would be righted." ~ pg. 290
A Court of Thorns and Roses 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 
Nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods. As retribution, she is dragged to a beautiful yet dangerous magical world she knows about only from legend. The faerie lands of Prythian is where no human would dare go unless they had a death wish. Each of the seven courts are ruled by a High Lord. Her captor is a lethal immortal faerie named Tamlin (nicknamed Tampon for reasons), High Lord of the Spring Court. As Feyre adapts to her new home, her feelings transform from icy fear to a fiery passion. Meanwhile, I adapt to the many different creatures introduced: puca, the Bogge, the Suriel, daemati, naga and more.

"Love—love was a balm as much as it was a poison." ~ pg. 1101
A Court of Mist and Fury 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
Feyre Cursebreaker is now granted the powers and lifespan of the High Fae. But she is haunted by her time Under the Mountain and deeds she performed to save the lives of Tampon and his peeps. Her time is split between the Spring Court and upcoming wedding and upholding her bargain with High Lord Reese Cup in the Night Court. This second book is a dark web of love, politics and power. Even better than the first book!

"A world divided was not a world that could thrive." ~ pg. 1859
A Court of Wings and Ruin 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 
This third book though is where I was hooked! Feyre has returned to the Spring Court to gather info and learn whatever she can about the king threatening to bring her land to its knees. It's a deadly game of deceit where one slip-up could bring doom to Feyre and everyone she loves.

"There, between a snarl of thorns. A patch of darkness." ~ pg. 2090
At only 200 pages, this novella is simply a filler. Feyre, Reese Cup and their made family are recovering from the war that changed everything. They all have wounds—both physical and emotional scars. Winter Solstice is coming so the atmosphere is festive but the shadows of the past still loom. Meh. Could have done without this one.

"So, yes. I like to read. I cannot survive without reading." ~ pg. 2430
A Court of Silver Flames 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 
And finally the book I was dreading because the point of view changes from Feyre to her most-hated sister Nestle. This prickly bitch has a major attitude, is slow to forgive and full of spite. Sex, music and drinking is how she copes to being forced into a strange world thanks to the horrors of the war. This garners no sympathy from me. The one person who ignites her temper and lady bits most is Cassian, the battle warrior and close friend to Reese Cup and Feyre. This book is spicy with themes of acceptance, healing and a redemption arc that made my head spin.

I am now committed to the SJM universe (total of 16 books to date). What a wonderful way to start.

Author: Sarah J. Maas
Pages: 2895
Edition: eBook Bundle
Genre: Romantasy
Average Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤

October 18, 2024

First Lines Friday

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author.

"Perhaps he'll die this time."

The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley

Join the Sistahs Be Readin' Book Club on Patreon!

October 13, 2024

Series Sunday: The Assassin's Blade

(Throne of Glass #0.5) 

Series Sunday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Read an installment of a series.
  • Share your review/recommendation below.
  • Include the title, author and series name.

"You'll make choices you think are right, and then suffer for them." ~ pg. 109

My Series Sunday pick is The Assassin's Blade, the prequel to Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. This collection of five novellas is an introduction to the main character and deeper history of her deadly world. Celaena Sardothien is the most feared, best assassin on the continent. When her scheming master, Arobynn, dispatches her on missions that take her from remote islands to the desert, she finds herself questioning his motives and acting independently. Defying orders is a dangerous game. She trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. Together they risk their lives for a chance at freedom.

I am uber late to the SJM universe party. I absolutely adored ACOTAR so immediately began reading The Assassin's Blade since Throne of Glass is the next series per the recommended reading order. I don't know whether it is because I spent the last two months fully immersed in the ACOTAR world or because I am not a fan of short stories, but this was a buzzkill. Yeah, I said it.

"Why do you assume anyone sent me? Can't a girl be independent?" ~ pg. 305

The Assassin's Blade started off strong. A female assassin. How badass of you, SJM! CiCi has beauty, brains, attitude and an ego. She talks big shit but can back it up. A really strong character. But by the third story, I was bored. It became predictable. Quite annoying after a while. CiCi, how are you the best but keep falling for the okey doke? I found myself rolling my eyes so I put the Kindle down for days. When I resumed reading, it was only during commercials while I watched TV. 

Many reviews claim Throne of Glass is even better than A Court of Thorns and Roses series. I also committed to buddy reading so will not let this prequel deter me. Fingers crossed it gets better because right now I am half-interested, at best.

Author: Sarah J. Maas
Published: March 2014
Pages: 463
Edition: eBook
Genre: Romantasy
Rating: 🖤 🖤

October 11, 2024

First Lines Friday

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author.

"I am desperately, painfully, completely, and stupidly in love."

~ The Boyfriend by Freida McFadden

October 8, 2024

Da Baddest

"I had a deep desire to be a powerful, independent woman who could stand on her own and have the finest things in life. That was my definition of a bad bitch." ~ 21% 

Katrina "Trina" Taylor is an award-winning, platinum-selling rapper, songwriter and television personality. In this new memoir titled Da Baddest, she honestly shares her story of coming-of-age in Miami, close relationship with her mom, unplanned rise to stardom and legacy as an icon. She spills her raw feelings on the pages when talking about loss and celebrates her wins with readers. 

I grew up with Trina on the radio. Lyrics were raw! Yet she always maintained class, grace and sophistication. She is a feminist, rooting for and supporting women in the industry. Trina is a true girl's girl. She blazed a powerful path in hip-hop, as mentioned in the introduction by Missy Elliott.

"My character and my mind are just as sharp as my curves." ~ 60% 

Even though Trina opened her heart and life more than usual in this book, I still got the sense she was holding back. It gives just a glimpse of the Diamond Princess behind the provocative music. The woman still remains a mystery and prefers a private happier life, which I respect. Instead, this new release lets us know how and why Trina is "da baddest" on a surface level. Whether you are already a fan or just love memoirs, Da Baddest is a good read. Just don't expect a tell-all! 

Happy Pub Day, Trina! Da Baddest is now available.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Title: Da Baddest
Author: Katrina "Trina" Taylor with Sesali Bowen
Published: October 2024
Pages: 182
Edition: Galley
Genre: Memoir
Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤

October 6, 2024

Super Series Sunday: Double Mocha Blues / A Latte Mayhem

(Joss Miller Mystery #1 & #2) 

Series Sunday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Read an installment of a series.
  • Share your review/recommendation below.
  • Include the title, author and series name.

"You know this podcast aims to shed light on forgotten stories and seek justice for the victims." ~ 24%

My Super Series Sunday pick is Double Mocha Blues, the first book in the Joss Miller mystery series by Tyora Moody. New cozy mystery of color, yes please! Joss Miller is a twenty-something barista who works at Sugar Creek Café, a hip coffeehouse. 

Her recently launched true crime podcast is quite popular and has Joss finally feeling like she's found her purpose. With her family's blessing, she dedicates the new podcast season to her grandfather. What was intended to be a step toward healing turns into a firestorm of reactions in the community. There are some people who would rather forget how Joss's grandfather had been murdered. The loudest protester is found dead and none other than Joss herself is the main suspect.

I was first introduced to the Sugar Creek neighborhood in another of Tyora Moody's series. Joss Miller was mentioned in passing and I like the small fictional community so downloaded this series too. What a treat! Not only does it feature a young Black chick but she is also a podcaster! The bits of history gave depth to a couple minor characters and made Joss even more endearing.

"Someone knows something." ~ 66%

In the second book, A Latte Mayhem, Joss Miller returns for a second season of the Cold Justice podcast. The subject is a local artist and activist named Rebecca Montgomery who went missing three years ago. As she pieces together the puzzle and interviews several residents, it becomes clear that someone wants to keep the truth buried. 

A little romance is thrown into the mix now that Joss is six months into dating Detective Andre Baez. Of course, her amateur sleuth behavior could jeopardize their relationship and her own safety.

Another good easy read! A Latte Mayhem is the kind of book you cuddle up with on a chilly weekend with a hot cup of coffee or cocoa. The mystery may be easy to solve but it's nice reading how it plays out to a satisfying ending. I am definitely looking forward to book #3 set to release late November.

Author: Tyora Moody
Published: November 2023
Pages: 309
Edition: eBook
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤

Author: Tyora Moody
Published: July 2024
Pages: 211
Edition: eBook
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤

October 4, 2024

First Lines Friday

First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
  • Grab your current read(s).
  • Share the first line(s).
  • Include the title and author.

"There was nothing left in the world except sand and wind."

~ The Assassin's Blade by Sarah J. Maas

October 1, 2024

What Does It Feel Like

"For Eve, the story begins when she was already in hospital. That's her first memory of this whole roller coaster: waking up in a hospital bed and not knowing what was going on and being told she was going to have a scan of her brain." ~ 84% 

Sophie Kinsella is synonymous with fun, frills, chick lit and humor. I have been a fan of her Shopaholic series and standalone novels for umpteen years. Her email newsletters are cheerful. Her stories are lighthearted yet with substance. So to read and review What Does It Feel Like? is a bit different.

This new novel is about a renowned author facing a devastating diagnosis. While it is fiction, it is Sophie Kinsella's most autobiographical work to date. This is true chick lit; heartbreakingly personal in less than 150 pages. Eve's story is her story and reminds me of my story. 

"If you buy the dress, the occasion will come." ~ 15% 

Eve is a successful novelist who wakes up in a hospital bed with no recollection of how she got there. Her husband explains that she had brain surgery to remove a large, malignant tumor. As Eve learns to walk, talk and write again, she recalls what is most important to her in brief anecdotes that will make you laugh, cry and reflect.

What Does It Feel Like? is a story of courage, strength, grief and a celebration of life. I am thankful for Sophie Kinsella's transparency. I hope it was just as therapeutic writing her story as it was for me to read it. She is a forever fave!

I recommend this new release to other Sophie Kinsella fans, those with a chronic illness and their loved ones. It may help you better understand their point of view or find comfort in knowing you are not alone. It's the book you didn't know you needed to read.

Happy Early Pub Day, Sophie Kinsella! What Does It Feel Like? will be available Tuesday, October 8.

Disclaimer: An advance copy was received directly from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions are my own and would be the same if I spent my hard-earned coins. ~LiteraryMarie

Title: What Does It Feel Like?
Author: Sophie Kinsella
Published: October 2024
Pages: 144
Edition: Galley
Genre: True Chick Lit
Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤