November 25, 2014

Say What You Will

Very rare does a story leave me speechless where it takes weeks to write a coherent review. Bookhearts know how emotional I was (and still am) about John Green's The Fault in Our Stars. Rainbow Rowell's Eleanor & Park was close but a few Kleenex away. Cammie McGovern's Say What You Will has been perceived as their beautifully written love child. So I started reading this novel with the full expectation that it would be emotional.

Born with cerebral palsy, Amy uses a walker to walk and a voice box to talk. Matthew's OCD causes fear, repeated thoughts and rituals. These two teens may seem drastically different but are more alike than they realize. It is Amy's senior year; she hires a student aide to help her socialize. Matthew gets the job which leads to a blossoming friendship with Amy.

Say What You Will is Cammie McGovern's debut novel. Creating main characters with a physical disability and a mental illness was a successful challenge. It doesn't take much to write a teen love story but to write complex teens with unordinary characteristics takes skill, imagination and empathy. Beautifully done.

To be loved because of your flaws, faults or handicaps instead of in spite of them >>>

Title: Say What You Will
Author: Cammie McGovern
Published: June 2014
Pages: 343
Edition: Hardcover
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♡


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