January 20, 2015

2015 Daily Devotional: Jesus Calling

I heart daily devotionals. I've become accustomed to reading a daily positive passage to start and end my day right. For 2015, I chose Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence by Sarah Young. Per my usual routine, I highlight, jot down quotes and journal my thoughts as I read throughout the year.

Share your daily devotional for this new year.



  1. I am going to have to look into that devotional for next year. My 2015 Daily Devotional is by Joyce Meyer called "The Confident Woman Devotional". She has a book that accompanies it by the same name, but I had no interest in reading it. So far its good.

    1. I paused reading Jesus Calling; it was not giving me the inspiration I need in a daily devotional. Maybe I will try the one you're reading this year. Thanks for recommending it!
