"This was a perfect moment. In the silence, with the hint of dawn peeking through the curtains, where promises of a better day were offered." ~ pg. 241
Brian and Diane's marriage has lasted 13 years. Brian is elated when he finds out his wife, Diane, is pregnant. Finally they will become parents. But Diane is nervous because of her family's dark past and the timing of the pregnancy. One year later, the tides have changed. Diane is overjoyed with baby Grace. However, Brian has not returned from opening a new office in London. Everyone around Diane is treating her delicately as if all is not as it seems.
A couple chapters in and I was sure I knew what was going on. Deeper into the book and I still thought I had it figured out. I've read enough family drama novels to piece together how a dark past collides with the present. Silly me. I was partly wrong.
This is my first book read by Steena Holmes. Her Emma series has been in my TBR pile for a while. So it was a perfect opportunity to review an advance copy of her new release The Memory Child. Oh, am I glad! Steena Holmes is an author that can grip me from the first pages, force me to keep reading and forget my real-life responsibilities for the day.
It is a challenge to write about contemporary issues like postpartum psychosis. Kudos to the author for clearly doing her research and penning a fiction novel that belongs in the best of family drama genre.
DISCLAIMER: This book was received directly from the publisher for review purposes only. In no way does it influence my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Title: The Memory Child
Author: Steena Holmes
Published: March 2014
Pages: 244
Edition: Galley
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

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