According to everybody and their mama, adult coloring books are a great stress reliever. So on a random Mother-Daughter Quality Time day, Chickadee and I went to Barnes & Noble to browse. We had no idea that adult coloring books were so popular now. There are designs with animals, tattoos, butterflies, hairstyles, mandalas, paisley, abstract, Bible verses, television characters, gardens and my personal fave: swear words.
After browsing the bookstore for nearly an hour, we finally made our selections. I'm so excited and cannot wait to begin coloring. It's like the first day of school when you crack the seal on a new box of Crayola. Then carefully open your book so as not to crease the spine. Adults, coloring books may be our best window to childhood.
Thanks and smooches to Chickadee for my new adult coloring book and set of watercolor pencils. I promise to try and stay between the lines.

Just reading your review had me tossing from present day to days of old ! I still remember cracking those little boxes of Crayola Crayons like it was yesterday ! I can't wait to frame my husband and I little masterpieces !