August 6, 2019

You are a Badass at Making Money

Nonfiction/self-help books are so hard to review. Maybe because I only read a handful and very picky. The subject needs to make sense. The life of the author needs to be interesting enough. And the advice given should be relatively easy to follow yet a challenge. After the last page is done, I expect to have learned something, uncover a thing or two about myself, ditch excuses and shape my reality.

Such is the case for Jen Sincero's You are a Badass at Making Money. In thirteen (13) chapters, the author managed to get my attention and put my green highlighter (for money tips...get it?) to use. No matter the size of your bank account or the emptiness of your wallet, this book is a frank guide to making more money and changing words that come out of our mouths into universe manifestation. Mindsets will change!

I always pay attention to numbers, especially those in my accounts, expenses, savings and residuals. I am very clear at how much money I have coming in and going out (down to the dollar). I pat myself on the back for maintaining a budget and being mindful of my financial goals. However, I am not rich yet. Is anybody really rich in today's economy? We can all adopt a badass attitude toward making and spending money wisely.

While I did not agree with everything in the book, I had a lot of takeaways by the end. Below are a few quotes that I will definitely revisit and journal about:

  • "Imperfect = I'm perfect." ~ pg. 239
  • "Let us not forget that money is currency and currency is energy." ~ pg. 230
  • "Charge what you're worth." ~ pg. 222 
  • "Worrying is praying for stuff you don't want." ~ pg. 126
  • "If it's on your mind it will soon be in your lap." ~ pg. 118
  • "The more money you have, the more freedom you have with your time." ~ pg. 103
  • "Bum-rush your fears." ~ pg. 80
  • "Money always comes to you through other people." ~ pg. 68

Did the quotes I shared above interest you enough to read You are a Badass at Making Money? If so, I wish you luck on your new approach to making the money you deserve. If not, add it to your reading list anyway. And if you are already satisfied with the amount of money you make, throw some coins my way via Cash App: 🤑 $LDotMarie 

Author: Jen Sincero
Published: April 2017
Pages: 269
Edition: Hardcover
Rating: 🖤 🖤 🖤


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