May 3, 2011

Osama bin Laden Expert Lands Book Deal*

By now you've all heard that Osama bin Laden is dead. Already, CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen has landed a book deal with Crown Publishers.* The book is tentatively titled Manhunt and will focus on the operation that killed "the world's most wanted man." I personally do not plan to read the book or care to know the details of the operation. Do you?

*Source: GalleyCat


  1. I'll have to look at the cover and the layout before I decide. And then I'll wait to see if someone with more inside information decides to write a book on the same topic. But I haven't ruled it out yet.


  2. Shannon, if you decide to read it, please drop by and post your thoughts/recommendations.

  3. I do not care to read it. I think that the book may provoke more acts of violence.

  4. Hmmm, I already think retaliation may happen. His followers, family, and friends may not want details of the operation published. It just may anger them.

  5. I would read it if there was any chance that it actually tells the whole truth... But I doubt that very much.

  6. Kinga, as the operation was kept secret I doubt it will tell the whole truth. The "expert" wasn't there, so I question its credibility.
