"All had carnal desires. All had needs." ~ pg. 2
It's been a few years since Pleasure; Nia Simone Bijou is finally back. Her literary career is successful. Her love life is on hold while she explores and indulges in pleasure. Nia Simone Bijou is a member of Decadence, an adult-themed private club. Yes, THAT type of club. Sowing wild oats before settling down is an understatement. Everyone and everything is game!
Sex clubs are real and finally an author writes about this secluded world of temptation.This book is not for prudes. There is plenty sex. There are no boundaries. This is erotica pushing the limit.
There is no match to Eric Jerome Dickey's signature raw descriptive writing style. Words force you to visualize. Details leave you wanting more. Sex scenes excite you (the reader) as if you're the character. The story itself takes you to a place far from reality. An aphrodisiac of literature. This is grown folks fiction.
It still amazes me how Eric Jerome Dickey can write in female's point of view so well. Nia Simone Bijou is my favorite female character of Dickey's. Like me, it appears that nothing fazes us. Yet everything matters, we just can't afford to let it show. Plus we think too much. Even though majority of the book is erotic, there are moments where the reader can connect with Nia through her emotions. But sub-characters are not as well developed and instead seem like cameos. You may be pleased that old pals make a brief appearance in Decadence, including Driver.
Decadence will be published on April 23. Pre-order or add to your wish list for your heightened reading pleasure. Next up: Gideon and the new Four Horsemen!
DISCLAIMER: This book was received directly from the publisher for review purposes only. In no way does it influence my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.
Title: Decadence
Author: Eric Jerome Dickey
Published: April 2013
Pages: 368
Edition: Galley
Rating: ♥♥♥♥

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