- Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta seems to be a guilty pleasure to watch on Monday nights. Well Simon & Schuster is publishing a book titled Taking One for the Team by Stevie J. I can only assume it will be about how to get on the "bus." Would you read a book by Stevie J.?
- The Cuckoo's Calling is a debut mystery novel by Robert Galbraith. It was released earlier this year and received excellent reviews. The Sunday Times revealed the book isn't a debut novel after all. **GASP** Robert Galbraith is a pseudonym for Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling! I did not read the Harry Potter series but love mysteries and know that Rowling is a great writer. I've added The Cuckoo's Calling to my TBR list. Stay tuned for a review later this fall.
- I recently read and reviewed Easy by Tammara Webber. It was such a great story; the thousands of positive reviews are deserved. An indie author, Jordin B. Williams, apparently thought Easy was so good that she plagiarized it! Did she really think avid readers wouldn't notice?! The book has been removed from sale on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
- Juror B37 of the Zimmerman trial recently interviewed with CNN's Anderson Cooper. Her comments caused an online outrage among live tweeters (myself included—see screenshot below). Thanks to the power of Twitter, Juror B37 no longer has a book deal. Juror B37 statement: "The best direction for me to go is away from writing any sort of book." Ya think?
LiteraryMarie Juror B37 said it was too time-consuming to go through all of the evidence. That's your duty as a juror! She just wanted a book deal. 7/15/13 8:41 PM |

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