Lit Tidbits

- The Writer is one of my many eMag subscriptions. It offers articles on creative writing, the art of fiction, and is a very informative source for literary workers. April 2012 marks the 125th anniversary of The Writer. One source informs it is the 30th oldest magazine in the United States. Check out the full first issue at
- Book Crawler is the highest rated book app. It is a database that catalogs your book collection. It is very simple to use; just scan the ISBN # into the app and the book is added to your catalog. It only costs $1.99 in the App Store (for iPad and iPhone users only). I look forward to cataloging my own personal library using Book Crawler.
- Judy Blume eBooks are now available for download in the NOOKstore! There are twenty (20) of Blume's classic titles ranging in price from $5.99-$10.99. I'm so tempted to download them all! But for now, I'll just start by downloading my faves.
- Author E. L. James has a seven-figure deal to publish Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy and a movie deal. It started off as an X-rated fan fiction of Twilight. I'm going to check out Book 1 of this erotic, amusing Fifty Shades trilogy before it becomes the new craze.
- Speaking of craze, I finally started reading The Hunger Games. About time, right?
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