December 18, 2013

Lit Tidbits

  • Lindsay Lohan wants to write a tell-all book. Her story has already been told in tabloids, media and an Oprah interview, so join me in rolling eyes.
  • Trayvon Martin's parents are shopping a book deal about the highly publicized death of their son.
  • is offering gift cards for subscriptions.
  • According to researchers at The New School in NYC, reading literary fiction can improve empathy.
  • Thank you, Archie Comics for donating more than $1 million worth of children's books to Toys for Tots.
  • Would you rather donate to charities for the holiday? Check out this list of 10 charities that encourage reading.
  • Maya Angelou wrote a tribute poem to honor Nelson Mandela titled "His Day Is Done." Watch the reading of the poem below.



  1. Thank you so much for sharing the video. I hadn't seen it. Thank you again.
