July 4, 2016

US vs. UK

The UK is my hometown glory but I live in the US. The US vs. UK bookish meme compares book covers published in the two countries. In honor of Independence Day, enjoy the battle of the book covers below, bookhearts!
Today's first comparison is Imagine Me Gone by Adam Haslett. I prefer the US cover because it is clearly missing letters. Get it? Imagine if letters were gone from words? Imagine, like in the book, if a main character was gone?

Total: US 32, UK 33

The second comparison is Night School by Lee Child. The US cover is uber plain. I am nowhere near reading this book in the series but the UK cover certainly grabs my attention first with its men walking down a dark lighted street.

Total: US 32, UK 34

The third comparison is First Comes Love by Emily Giffin. I can spot an Emily Giffin anywhere because of her trademark US covers featuring simply a pretty pastel color, her name and the book title. The UK covers usually show a woman or a scene. Unfortunately with the UK covers, they will get lost among other chick lit books so it's a loser here.

Total: US 33, UK 34

Happy Books & BBQ Day! If the covers pique your interest, you may find my reviews by clicking the book title. But for now, which covers do you favour?



  1. Wow, the U.K Lee Childs look much modern and sleeker than the U.S I've never read any of his books but I'd be more inclined to pick up the U.K covers

    1. Hey, Jess! I've only read one Lee Child book so far and was impressed. Luckily it was recommended by a friend because otherwise I skipped by his plain US covers.
