I can finally blog about what I got Chickadee for her birthday: the new NOOK Simple Touch! She was pleasantly surprised and loves it. I am hoping it encourages her to read more since it is chic, light, modern, easily accessible and convenient.
I traveled with my NOOKcolor for the first time since buying it last December. I
I did however read all of the magazines and discovered new apps. One in particular is called "Taptu." It is amazeballs!!! It streams all of your favorite news sources and social networks. It is also a great platform for Google Reader blogs. So far, I have customized my Taptu to include my two blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Huffington Post, MTV News, Concrete Loop, The YBF, TMZ, US Weekly, Marie Claire, Essence, Entertainment Weekly, Vibe, The Londonist, Detroit News and BBC England News. (Can you tell I love gossip, entertainment and fashion?)
Other cool NOOKcolor apps include e-mail, Goodreads, Pandora, Fliq Notes and Fliq Tasks. Unfortunately, I am still having an issue with my NOOK Friends app on the device. It somehow won't refresh my contacts. So please reply in comments with your e-mail address so that I may add you as a NOOK Friend again. Or you can request me. And seriously, if you do not have a NOOK or the NOOK app on your mobile device, what are you waiting for?!
Toodles and happy eReading!

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