Most avid readers have a "reading spot." A special, designated quiet spot where you curl up with a good book and get lost in its pages. I'm one of those chicks that can read anywhere. I will whip out my NOOKcolor or a mass paperback novel in a second and start reading. But at home, I have a designated reading chair and foot stool with decorative pillows. It sits by a window and is quite comfy. I got it from Pier One years ago. It is pictured below, but mine is a mocha brown color.
How do you read?
Some people blog via their mobile smart phone. Others blog via laptops or desktop computers. Some people blog while in a specific setting such as a public wifi spot or home.
I always post via my MacBook, usually from home. Very few times have I blogged from a public wifi spot like Panera Bread or Barnes & Noble. It is usually noisy and I end up snacking on lunch, browsing the net rather than posting blog content.
How do you blog?
♡♤ is now ♡♤

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