"However, I am not immune to the feeling of being viewed as a mystery, as a Sinclair, as part of a privileged clan of special people, and as part of a magical, important narrative, just because I am part of this clan." ~ pg. 50
We all know the cliché: There are three sides to a story: yours, theirs and the truth. A group of four friends—The Liars—form a friendship on a private island off the coast of Massachusetts. Beechwood Island is where The Sinclair family lives every summer for vacation. Cadence, Johnny and Mirren are cousins; the fourth teen, Gat, is Johnny's best friend—essentially an outsider.
"He was a stranger in our family, even after all those years." ~ pg. 41
The Sinclairs are old money Democrats. Cadence, nearly eighteen years old, is the eldest grandchild, heiress to the land and fortune. But something happens in "summer fifteen" when Cadence is 15 years old. No one in the family will talk about it. Cadence has selective amnesia, developed migraines and is depressed. The doctors suggest she spend the summer after the accident (summer sixteen) away. But in summer seventeen she returns, determined to figure out what the accident was. What really happened to her in summer fifteen? She was fine until the accident.
We Were Liars is one of the best suspense novels I have ever read. Technically, I read it in one sitting. I fell asleep reading it late one night and woke up early the next morning to finish reading. I can barely form a coherent review so I'll just describe my reactions as I neared the twisted ending.
81% done - Wait. WHAT?!
89% done - Loop. Thrown. Let me go back a chapter.
91% done - Shit. I wanted to know. Now I know. And now I don't.
94% done - e. lockhart. Girl. GIRL.
99% done - *throws NOOK across room* *hugs self* *picks NOOK back up*
100% done - How am I supposed to go back to sleep after this ending?
Bookhearts, it is not enough to simply recommend this novel. Le sigh. As Goodreads says, "Read it. And if anyone asks you how it ends, just LIE." In the 11-minute video below, novelist e. lockhart talks about the characters (no spoilers), classic novels, suspense factor and twists.
Title: We Were Liars
Author: e. lockhart
Published: May 2014
Pages: 231
Edition: eBook
Rating: ♥♥♥♥♥

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