Calibre is an awesome free program for eBook management. And it's multi-platform! You can add or get eBooks, edit the metadata, convert eBook formats, read eBooks and even fetch news! Yes, you can download news from the internet and convert it to eBook format. Another great feature is that it syncs to your eReader making it convenient to add/remove files on your device.
Once eBooks have been added to your Calibre library, it automatically sorts books by Authors, Languages, Series Name, Formats (epub, mobi, pdf, etc.), Publishers, Rating and Tags. Searching for a particular eBook among hundreds in your library is so much easier now!
Maybe you were like me and figured you didn't need an eBook management program. But bookhearts, let me tell you. If you've heard of it but never downloaded, do me a favor. Click here to open Calibre in a new browser window, watch the demo, then download it on your computer or laptop. Now. Go ahead...I'll wait.

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