Like most handbooks, Pretty Neat doesn't have to be read in order. (However I highly recommend you read the chapters in sequence if you really need help organizing.) Chapters such as "Delegate Like a Master," "Clear the Clutter At Home," and "Tame Your Inboxes" were most beneficial to me. I consider myself an organized person. My closet may be difficult to navigate through and I may have books strategically scattered around, but there is a method to my madness. Still, this book provided a few simple solutions that even I will use. Psssst! May I suggest you order a copy and anonymously send it to a hoarder you know?
Color me a nerd, or maybe it's the copyeditor in me, but I pay attention to front and back matter. Like a great reference tool, this book also has a helpful Index and Additional Resources section.
Thanks to blogger friend Notorious Spinks for the giveaway and to co-author Sarah Welch for the cute personalized note. Happy Organizing, bookhearts!
Pretty Neat: The Buttoned-Up Way to Get Organized and Let Go of Perfection
Author: Alicia Rockmore and Sarah Welch
Published: October 2010
Pages: 167
Edition: Paperback
Rating: ♥♥♥
Author: Alicia Rockmore and Sarah Welch
Published: October 2010
Pages: 167
Edition: Paperback
Rating: ♥♥♥

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