First Lines Friday is a bookish meme hosted by Literary Marie. I encourage all of my fellow book bloggers and bookhearts to play along.
- Grab your current read(s).
- Share the first line(s).
- Include the title and author.
"Dear Fellow Book Lover, There are few things as satisfying and as long lasting as a beloved book. My favorite books have become the touchstone in my life; I remember where I was when they found me, why they spoke to me at that particular time, and how I'd often passionately recommended them to my friends. Many of my favorites still sit on my bookshelves as a reminder of the wonderful experiences they've brought to me. In quiet moments, I pull them from the shelves and revisit them like old friends."
~ The Great American Read: The Book of Books by PBS

Agreed! Favourite books are like old friends! Here's my FLF from No Good Deed by Goldy Moldavsky: